
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Logo Woes

Have you ever designed a logo? It may be one of the most frustrating, painful and rewarding things ever and I have no idea why. The past couple of weeks, the dream team has been working on a logo because you can’t have a blog without a logo. Not cool.

So Matt does his thing on the computer and Caroline and I do our thing and tell him everything we don’t like. Seventy-five versions later and I think we finally all agree on the perfect logo. We wanted our logo to represent simplicity, the south, warmth, have a modern but vintage feel and ultimately be an excellent representation for what we are trying to do with this blog and its future. Is that so hard?? Yes, it’s hella hard.

We have discussed, shapes, lines, fonts, sizing, white space, images, colors, spelling, and feeling until I can’t see straight anymore. This is what happens when you put two communication majors and a marketing major in a small office together. We end up in the fetal position holding on to our favorite font, rocking back and forth quoting Forrest Gump, “dear god, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far ,far away from here.”

Here’s a look at the evolution of the logo. If you like any of the ones other than the actual logo we chose please don’t tell us.  We don’t like you.

‘Till next time,

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