
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Best Things In Life

The best things in life come in packages of three.

Two heads are better than one and let’s face it, three is just plain awesomeness at its finest. I know there are many blogging super men and women out there but I am most certainly not one of them. No my friends, I am smart enough to know when to consult up, over, under, sideways, etc. A matter of fact, it takes three of us to do the job of one.

Not too long ago I was sitting around my house eating my Ramen noodles (the white-trash cousin in the soup family) and I was brainstorming all of my get-rich ideas such as color-coordinating baby gear. My other great idea was to brand Souper Sunday and the best way to start? A blog! Two problems: I don’t know anything about blogging or blog design. Additionally, I wanted a cooking expert, someone who shares the love of food with me. I looked no further than my partners in crime at work. Matt is our social-media, design-on-a-dime, trendy expert and Caroline is our Betty Crocker, recipe-pinning, master chef. I am the overly opinionated dreamer. Together, we’re the dream team.

I pitched the Souper Sunday idea over Philly chicken sandwiches in the dining hall (we work at a college). BAM! The dream was born. 

Matt hails from the great state of North Carolina; home to barbeque and Krispy Kreme.  What better qualifiers do you need to run a southern based blog?  He’s a media design specialist and not to mention he got his master’s degree at the University of Mississippi where they may not win every game but they sure win every party – his words.  If you have a tailgating etiquette question, he’s your man.  Matt manages this blog and creates all of our graphics and other visuals.

Caroline is a native from the great state of Georgia. Home to peaches and The Varsity (whataya have? whataya have?) Caroline is the sole reason I no longer fit in my skinny jeans…that skank.  The woman bakes like a goddess and is a Pinterest pinning fool who knows her way around a kitchen like Usher on the dance floor.  She got her bachelor’s degree at Berry College in business marketing and focuses her time on our recipe collection and marketing.

'Till next time,

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