Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Welcome to Souper Sunday

Welcome to Souper Sunday!

I have to admit that I am a little shocked that I’m sitting here in my pajamas writing an introduction to a blog entirely devoted to soup.  I shouldn’t be that surprised.  There are blogs devoted to cats, baby strollers, lint and other oddities like weird food, weird places, weird clothing and, well, just being weird.  Okay, so I totally made up the lint part but you know there probably is one.  My love and affection for soup has brought me to this blog to share my love through stories, ideas and of course recipes!

I wholeheartedly adore everything about fall and could care less about summer.  Now don’t get offended you sun-lovers and bathing beauties.  I don’t mind summer but I just don’t get jazzed about it.  I get jazzed about fall.  Now let me tell you why: pumpkin-spiced lattes, boots, perfect hair, jackets, football, yard sale-ing, leggings, sweatshirts, pumpkin pie, awesome holidays, scarves, bonfires, camping, tailgating, my make-up stays on, not having to shave every day, jeans and of course…SOUP! HOLLA!

I love soup!  Why you might ask?  Because it’s easy.  It freezes, makes plenty, you always have the ingredients, it’s filling, it can be healthy or not (depending on your stress level) and it’s simple.  There is a soup for everyone.  I have never met anyone that didn’t like soup.  They may not like a kind of soup or an ingredient but most people eat soup.  It also brings people together.  Soup is not meant to eat in solidarity.  Soup is made to sit around the dining room table and talk, share stories and spend time with family and friends.  Soup is a lover, not a hater.

I decided to honor my love of soup by creating a tradition. I committed to making a different soup every Sunday from October to February.  I am a working woman and this commitment insisted that I take time to do one of the things I cherish most – cooking.  Every Sunday, I choose my Pandora station, pour a glass of wine (or beer depending on the soup) and start cooking.  I have recipes of my own, some from the Internet, and some from family and friends.  Over the years this tradition was dubbed “Souper Sunday.”  

So there you have it, the quick and easy history of Souper Sunday.  Next time I’ll tell you about my partners in crime and our big dreams.  

'Till next time,

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