
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tomato Soup

Tomato soup is one of life's finer pleasures if you ask me. The Souper Sunday dream team decided to make a tomato soup all together. That's right. Three know-it-alls in one space trying to come to a consensus. Agreeing on a recipe was hard enough but talk about too many cooks in the kitchen!

We started the evening with Caroline leading us in a camera demostration.  Matt and I both own fancy cameras but we sure don't know how to use them.  

Here we are looking dazed and confused.

Now for the cooking.


1-28 oz. can of diced tomatoes
1/4 cup of olive oil
3 stalks of celery
4 small carrots
1 large onion
8 cloves of garlic
4 cups of chicken broth
4 bay leaves
3 teaspoons of dried basil
1/2 cup of cream or milk
Salt & ground pepper to taste

Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees F.

Chop up your celery, onion and garlic in a food processor.

Now, do the same to your carrots.

Strain your canned tomatoes, reserve the juices and spread on a baking sheet. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle 1 Tbsp of olive oil.  Roast your tomatoes until caramelized which should take 15-20 minutes.

Add your celery, carrots, onion and garlic to a saucepan and cook on medium-low heat. Cook about 10 minutes until softened.

Add the roasted tomatoes, juices, chicken broth, bay leaves, basil and milk. Simmer about 15-20 minutes.

Remove bay leaves and puree in blender.

You can't beat tomato soup with a good grilled cheese sandwich!

'Till next time,

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