
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rock and Kaiser Roll

What's better than jamming out to some tunes while in the kitchen cooking? The correct answer is nothing. Usually when the three of us cook together it turns into a dance party - well really it's Caroline cooking and Natalie and myself having a good time.

The three of us have our own "go to" when it comes to music/stations/playlists while cooking. Here are some of our favorites:

Natalie is known for her Pandora stations. Ben Harper, Janis Joplin, Reggae, David Allen Coe, Ray Lamontagne, and 90's Pop are on the top of her list of favored stations. Although, the list could continue on and on.

Caroline is a big fan of Spotify. She tends to listen to Top 40's or the playlist she has cultivated that include her favorite songs. She also is one of the biggest Imagine Dragon fans, so she is known for listening to their music nonstop.

I'm a big fan of FratMusic. The site has several "genres" which include multiple playlists each. Some of my favorite include: Beach Week, Throwbacks, and Mashup. The site has a great mix of both 80's (my favorite) and current music. Unfortunately, most of the time they use the uncensored versions, so I usually listen to the site when I'm cooking alone.

What are some of your favorite bands, stations, playlists to listen to while cooking?

'Till next time,

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