
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili with Lime and Cilantro

Photo credit: Kalyn's Kitchen
The wind and rain is getting crazy outside right now! When nasty weather come's along, what makes you feel better? Chili. I came across this Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili recipe on Kalyn's Kitchen cooking blog.

She gives great step-by-step instructions and photos. For this recipe, she provided the instructions for both slow cooker and stove top methods for cooking the soup. Her blog has become really popular with those that are looking for a lower-glycemic index way of eating. At the end of most of her recipes, she includes alterations or recommendations to the recipe for those that are on the South Beach diet. Give her blog a look and check out her other delicious recipes!

'Till next time,

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