Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Soup Traditions

Easter in the United States, particularly the south, looks pretty predictable: plastic eggs, the Easter bunny, pastel-colored outfits, candy and church. Soup is not something that I would associate with Easter and I don't imagine many of you are running out to your grocery store buying soup ingredients.

This sad soup reality posed an interesting Google search on "traditional Easter soups". I repeatedly found two soups that I thought may be of interest for you history buffs and/or you adventurous cooks.

Poland: In Poland many of the ingredients of the świéconka basket that were blessed on holy Saturday are used to make white borscht on Easter morning. The most important ingredient in this soup is the sour called zur which is made with rye flour.

Greece: Magiritsa is a Greek soup associated the Greek Orthodox Church. The most important and religiously significant ingredient in this soup is lamb. This soup is traditionally prepared on holy Saturday and eaten after midnight to break the fast.

'Till next time,

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